Other Noms Had 'Nanny Problem'

Bernard Kerik's decision to withdraw his name as homeland security secretary-designate because of issues involving hired help at home is not the first time a president has had his Cabinet and other high-level appointments thrown awry by the nanny problem.

A look at three individuals who withdrew their names as nominees by President Clinton for Cabinet and other high-level posts because of similar political obstacles:

Zoe Baird (search): The attorney who was Clinton's first choice to be attorney general also became the first of a series of nominees to fall victim to the "nanny problem." She had not paid Social Security taxes for a housekeeper — an illegal immigrant — as required by law. Baird asked the White House to withdraw her nomination.

Lani Guinier (search): A Clinton classmate at Yale University Law School, she was Clinton's choice to head the Justice Department's civil rights division. Clinton cited her legal writings on racial issues for dropping the nomination. She also had not paid taxes for a domestic worker.

Kimba Wood (search): The nomination of the federal district judge to be attorney general never went forward after the disclosure that she had hired an illegal immigrant as a baby sitter. She had paid the required Social Security taxes and broke no laws.