Oprah Winfrey Picks Latest Book Club Choice

Talk show host Oprah Winfrey, U.S. publishing's biggest hitmaker, has chosen David Wroblewski's "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle," as her latest book club book, two booksellers told The Associated Press.

"Edgar Sawtelle" was released in June and became a U.S. smash thanks to strong reviews, word of mouth and a blurb from horror writer Stephen King. Winfrey's pick is likely to help the book's time on the bestseller list extend into Fall.

Winfrey was to make the announcement later Friday on her Chicago-based talk show. The Associated Press purchased a copy of the novel, which has a Winfrey book club sticker on the cover, from a bookseller that placed "Edgar Sawtelle" on sale early. The two booksellers, speaking on condition of anonymity because of a confidentiality agreement, had previously told the AP that Wroblewski's work was Winfrey's choice.

"Edgar Sawtelle," which Wroblewski worked on for more than a decade, is the story of a mute boy who communicates best with his dogs. Wroblewski grew up in rural Wisconsin, the setting for his book, and now lives near Denver with his partner, writer Kimberly McClintock.