Ohio Woman, 89, Arrested for Keeping Kids' Football

An 89-year-old Ohio woman faces a charge of petty theft because neighborhood children say she refused to give back their football.

Edna Jester was placed under arrest last week and taken to the police station in the Cincinnati suburb of Blue Ash. Police say there had been an ongoing dispute over the errant football and a child's parent called to report that Jester kept the ball after it landed in her yard again.

Blue Ash Police Capt. James Schaffer said Monday that police warned Jester twice and finally arrested her after she refused to accept a citation.

"She chose to take a stand," Schaffer said, saying she told police to handcuff her, but they wouldn't do that.

He said Jester wasn't a troublemaker, but that police had been to the neighborhood several times to try to mediate similar disputes.

Jester must appear in mayor's court next month.

She said Monday she didn't have time to discuss the incident, saying she has received many phone calls about it.

The football, valued at $15, is being held for evidence, Schaffer said.

The potential maximum penalty for a petty theft conviction in Ohio is six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. Schaffer said he suspects the mayor or presiding magistrate will take into account her age and lack of criminal record when the case comes up.