Newspaper Associates Snicker at Kucinich Presidency

Response to Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich's anti-war speech to editors of the National Newspaper Association Thursday in Washington does not bode well for his presidential aspirations.

Kucinich accused President Bush of violating international law for launching a strike against Iraq that will "rain death and destruction." He urged the president to bring the troops home and said it's not too late for Americans to rally for peace.

The Ohio congressman, one of nine Democrats seeking the White House, raced out of the room after delivering his remarks to make a House vote. Members of the association, who represent small community newspapers, were then polled on his performance by secret electronic ballot.

The moderator asked them to chose how likely Kucinich is to win the Democratic nomination, with one being very likely and five being very unlikely.

"Can you vote six or seven?" an audience member yelled.

Next they were asked how likely their publications are to endorse his candidacy, and the room erupted in laughter.

Results of the poll weren't available Thursday.