Neverland Staffer: Jacko Had Women Friends

The property manager at Michael Jackson's (search) Neverland ranch testified Tuesday that the pop star had special relationships with girls and women as well as boys. But the witness struggled to come up with examples.

"Besides his wives?" asked Joe Marcus, a witness for the defense. "He has friends. Elizabeth Taylor (search). ... I'm drawing a blank on a few of the names. ... There were — other women."

When prosecutor Gordon Auchincloss pressed him for names, Marcus said: " Liza Minnelli (search) has been there — they seem to be good friends."

"OK, so we're up to two," Auchincloss said, raising an objection from the defense.

Meanwhile, former child star Macaulay Culkin (search) is expected to testify Wednesday in Jackson's defense, the pool coordinator at the trial told FOX News.

Marcus, an 18-year employee, was called by the defense to counter former ranch employees who testified against Jackson. Jackson, 46, is accused of molesting a boy and conspiring to hold the youngster's family captive to get them to rebut a damaging documentary.

Marcus said that he was never ordered to hold the family members captive and that they seemed excited to be there.

He said an order in the ranch log instructing guards not to let the boy or his brother leave was there for safety reasons, because the boys often drove vehicles around the property. He said he did not want them taking the vehicles onto the open road.

"Did you ever receive any instructions from anyone to hold the (family) against their will?" Jackson attorney Robert Sanger asked.

"No," Marcus said.

Under cross-examination, Marcus admitted he lied to law enforcement officials during a 2003 search of Neverland when he said he had no knowledge of Jackson sharing his bed with children.

Auchincloss also asked whether Marcus knew that Jackson had adult materials at the ranch. Marcus said no, but acknowledged that dolls in bondage attire were kept on Jackson's desk. He called them "artwork."

During questioning about the dolls, Auchincloss said to the witness, "You keep looking at Mr. Jackson. Why is that?"

The defense raised an objection and the judge sustained it.