A remarkable young mother from Teaneck, N.J., has been in the battle of her life, fighting breast cancer.
Eight years ago, Rochelle Shoretz got the diagnosis. She was 28 years old and raising two young children. Since then, she has shown tremendous bravery in her own ordeal while also dedicating herself to helping others.
In 2001, Shoretz founded Sharsheret, a national organization of cancer survivors that addresses concerns of young Jewish women facing breast cancer.
Sharsheret is a national organization of cancer survivors dedicated to addressing the unique concerns of young Jewish women facing breast cancer.
Sharsheret, Hebrew for "chain," was founded in 2001 by Shoretz, a former law clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who recognized the need for a breast cancer organization that would provide culturally sensitive support for Jewish women.
Click here to read more and watch a video interview with Shoretz at myfoxny.com.