Mystery Man Gives $500 Tip to Indiana Teen Newspaper Vendor

An 18-year-old in Indiana will have the prom night she was dreaming of, thanks to a mystery man's Easter tip.

Kelsey Tolliver was selling newspapers inside Cincinnati's University Hospital last Sunday when she says a customer in his mid-20s wished her Happy Easter and said to keep the change.

At first, she thought he'd given her $4 for a Sunday paper costing $1.50. But then she realized the wad of bills was too thick — and she had $500 in twenties, plus four $1 bills.

She says she'd never seen the man before and couldn't find him afterward.

The student at Switzerland County Senior High in Patriot, Ind., says she gave half the money to her stepfather. The rest she's using for a dress, shoes, purse and limo for her senior prom.