Matthew McConaughey's Corvette Sells for $61,600 in Katrina Relief Auction

The winning bid for Matthew McConaughey's 1971 Corvette Stingray convertible, auctioned for hurricane relief, was $61,600, according to the eBay Web site.

The name of the winning bidder wasn't immediately released. The Web site indicated that 72 bids were received.

McConaughey, a native of Texas, said he's donating all proceeds from last month's sale to Oprah Winfrey's Angel Network for Katrina and Rita recovery efforts.

Film credits for the 36-year-old actor include "Failure to Launch" and "The Wedding Planner." In 2005, he was named the "sexiest man alive" by People magazine.

Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast on Aug. 29. Rita made landfall in southeast Texas on Sept. 24.