Massachusetts Man Charged With DWI Twice in Same Day

A man has been charged with driving while intoxicated twice in the same day in upstate New York.

The first arrest occurred after he drove to state police headquarters in Millbrook early Sunday to ask for directions. Police say Joseph S. Kelley, of Canton, Mass. had a blood alcohol content of .17 percent, twice New York's legal limit.

After processing, troopers sent Kelley to sleep it off at a hotel. Police say Kelley made the cabbie stop at an ATM to get money for the fare, and ran back to the parking lot and took his SUV.

Kelley was stopped in the town of Stanford. Troopers say his blood-alcohol level was .14 percent. He was arraigned on DWI and sent to Dutchess County Jail on $5,000 cash or $10,000 bond.

Kelly has a court date Wednesday. The name of his attorney was not yet on record.