Man, 26, Cured of Hiccups After Nearly 3 years

A 26-year-old man from the U.K., who suffered with constant hiccups for nearly three years, has finally been cured of the annoying condition.

Christopher Sands tried everything from acupuncture to massage, and even an oxygen chamber to find a cure, but nothing seemed to work. Then his story was featured on Japanese TV. That’s when a doctor watching the program suggested he may have a tumor.

And it turns out that doctor was right. After several tests, an MRI scan showed Sands had a tumor that was pressing on part of his brain stem. Although the tumor was benign, without surgery, doctors believe he could have died within two years.

"I just dropped on to a chair and burst into tears,” he said. “I thought I was going to die."

Soon after the diagnosis, Sands had surgery to remove the tumor.

"This is the first time in three years that I actually sense I'm getting better,” he said. It's a nice feeling."

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