Mack May Follow Father's Footsteps to Office

Connie Mack IV (search) took the first stride toward following in his father's footsteps Tuesday by defeating three opponents to win a Republican congressional primary.

With 259 of 260 precincts reporting, Mack had 27,324 votes, or 36 percent, compared to Fort Myers state Rep. Carol Green's 24,658 votes or 32 percent, Lee County Commissioner Andy Coy's 16,955 votes, or 22 percent, and Naples cardiologist Frank Schwerin's 7,442 votes, or 10 percent.

It was one of four GOP and six Democratic primaries in Florida for the U.S. House but the only one with an open seat at stake.

U.S. Rep. Porter Goss, R-Sanibel, announced last year he would not seek re-election in the 14th District. President Bush has nominated Goss, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, as Central Intelligence Agency director.

Mack, 37, resigned from the Florida House to concentrate on the race for the southwest Florida congressional seat once held by his father, former U.S. Sen. Connie Mack III.