Kim Cattrall to Make London Stage Debut

Former "Sex and the City" (search) star Kim Cattrall (search) is to make her London stage debut next year in "Whose Life Is It Anyway," producers have announced.

Peter Hall will direct Cattrall in an updated version of Brian Clark's 1978 drama about a sculptor paralyzed in a road accident who seeks the right to die.

Mary Tyler Moore (search) won a Tony Award in 1980 for playing the role on Broadway. The play was filmed the next year with Richard Dreyfuss in the lead.

Born in Liverpool, England, and raised in Canada, Cattrall played Samantha on the HBO sitcom, which ended a six-season run earlier this year.

Previews for "Whose Life Is It Anyway" begin Jan. 7, 2005. The play is scheduled to open Jan. 25 for a 16-week run at the Duke of York's theater.