Jack Carter Calls on MySpace Democrats for Support

U.S. Senate candidate Jack Carter called on young Democrats on Sunday to be active in the blogosphere to raise money for his campaign against incumbent Republican Sen. John Ensign.

After plugging his own Web site and MySpace.com home page, Carter, the eldest son of former President Jimmy Carter, told about 100 people attending a Young Democrats of America conference that they could help him win.

"If you and your MySpace friends get five people apiece ... Democrats will win in 2006," he said.

The investment consultant touched on key Democratic themes ahead of November elections — dissatisfaction with the Iraq war, high government spending and criticism of the Bush administration.

"It is 2006 and we are a nation at war with no plan for victory. We are a nation too polarized to solve our problems, a nation wallowing in debt and a nation whose leadership has forgotten whom they represent," he said.

At last reporting in mid-April, Ensign had a war chest six times as large Carter, who had more than $400,000 on hand, and a healthy lead in the polls.