Iraqi Minister: Insurgents Will Be Defeated

Iraq's (search) new interior minister expressed confidence Saturday that his security forces will defeat a foreign-backed insurgency, citing a series of successes amid the recent relentless wave of violence.

Bayan Jabr (search) said in the three weeks since he took over the post, over 250 insurgents have been captured and more than 200 killed. Insurgent violence since the government was approved on April 28 has killed more than 520 people.

"We are fighting international terrorism supported by all the forces of darkness, therefore our battle is a war of justice against injustice and, God willing, justice will end victorious," said Jabr, a Shiite Muslim (search).

Asked if his ministry was receiving assistance from pro-government Shiite militias such as the Badr Brigades, Jabr said he would accept intelligence from any source to defeat the insurgents.

"We are ready to get information even from the devil," Jabr said.

Jabr added that 1,100 mortar rounds and rocket-propelled grenades were seized and more than 10 car bombs had been dismantled over the past three week.

Jabr his ministry was implementing a three-stage plan to end the insurgency, but did not elaborate on the project or say how long it would take. The first phase, he did say, would last three months.

"The plan began 10 days ago and God willing we will continue it until security prevails," Jabr said.