Homeless Man With More Than 50 Prior Convictions Gets Prison Time for Stealing Cereal

A homeless man with a long criminal record received a 15-year sentence for stealing a box of cereal and a can of evaporated milk.

Mark Anthony Griffin, from Bartow, Fla., was sentenced as a "prison release re-offender," which stiffens penalties for defendants convicted within three years of prison release.

Griffin has more than 50 prior convictions — most on minor charges like trespassing, disorderly intoxication and petit theft.

He rejected a plea deal that would've given him 3 years in prison and 2 years of probation.

At the Sept. 25 sentencing, Griffin's brother said his record came from a long history of alcohol abuse.

While out of jail awaiting trial in the cereal case, Griffin picked up four additional charges of trespassing and disorderly conduct.