Highlights of Report on Iraq's Weapons

An unclassified intelligence report released Friday by CIA officials describes specific evidence that Iraq is producing chemical and biological weapons and means to deliver them, as well as seeking nuclear weapons. In particular, the report alleges that Iraq:

Nuclear Program

--Tried to covertly obtain tens of thousands of high-strength aluminum tubes that could be used in centrifuges used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons. Some shipments were stopped, but some may have gotten through.

--Retains a cadre of nuclear scientists.

Biological Program

--Announced it would upgrade its al-Dawrah Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine Facility in 2001 without U.N. approval. Iraq acknowledged in 1996 it had produced biological weapons at the site, but claims it now only intends to produce vaccine. However, the report says Iraq can import all the vaccine it needs.

--Expanded its storage capacity at the Amiriyah Serum and Vaccine Institute, "which greatly exceeds Iraq's needs for legitimate medical storage."

--Rebuilt major structures at the Fallujah III Castor Oil Production Plant, which were bombed by U.S. and British warplanes in 1998. Iraq claims it is making castor oil for brake fluid, but the report says it could used to produce ricin, a toxin that is used in weapons.

--Can make biological weapons at mobile production facilities that are difficult to detect.

Chemical Program

--Probably has been 110 and 550 tons of chemical weapon agents, including VX, sarin, cyclosarin and mustard.

--Has not used one-third of 33 million pounds of chlorine imported under the oil-for-food program, suggesting some has been diverted to weapons' programs

--Upgraded the Fallujah II chemical plant west of Baghdad since 2000, expanding chlorine output. Iraq is also trying to hide its activities there.

Missile and Weapons Delivery Program

--Has "up to a few dozen" Scud-type short-range ballistic missiles with ranges between 400 and 560 miles.

--Is deploying new al-Samoud and Ababil-100 short-range ballistic missiles, which can fly beyond the U.N. limit of 93 miles.

--Is developing medium-range ballistic missiles with ranges up to 1,850 miles.

--Is building a large test stand for long-range missiles at the Al-Rafah-North Liquid Propellant Engine Research, Developing, Testing and Evaluation Facility west of Baghdad.

--Rebuilt the Al-Mutasim Solid Rocket Motor and Test Facility south of Baghdad. The scale of some of the work suggests Iraq will work on prohibited weapons.

--Rebuilt bombed structures at the Al-Mamoun Solid Rocket Motor Production Plant south of Baghdad. They were previously used to work on a ballistic missile that is now prohibited.

--Completed an ammonium perchlorate production plant at Al-Mamoun. The chemical is used in solid propellant motors. The report says the plant could have only been finished with prohibited foreign assistance.

--Experimented with unmanned aircraft to deliver chemical and biological weapons.