
Tonight on Hannity & Colmes... join the debate!

Is it time for the United Nations to take control in Iraq? We'll discuss the latest.

Two-time judicial nominee Miguel Estrada (search) has told President Bush he will remove himself from the nomination process.

Was he too conservative to sit on the bench, or was the democratic filibuster that kept the confirmation in limbo just a stubborn partisan push?

Linda Chavez of the Center for Equal Opportunity and former White House counsel Lanny Davis will join the debate.

Plus — As the democratic hopefuls continue to spread their campaign message — Is anyone listening?

Tonight they will put their mouths where their money is during the televised debate in New Mexico. Political correspondent Carl Cameron will discuss the highlights from the political showdown.

And who will be the winners and the losers of the debate? Democratic strategist Maryanne Marsh and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson weigh in.

And columnist George Will joins us to discuss his new book, With a Happy Eye But... America and the World 1997 - 2002.

Watch Hannity & Colmes LIVE  this evening at 9 p.m. ET!

--The Associated Press contributed to this report

-All guests and topics subject to change