Girl Takes First Steps After Surgery to Correct Upside Down Feet

A 15-year-old girl has taken her first steps after doctors at a Bronx hospital straightened her severely clubbed feet, which were twisted backward and upside down.

The braces on Jingle Luis' legs were removed Friday, about six weeks after her surgery at Montefiore Medical Center. Wearing casts and medical boots, she carefully walked on her reoriented feet.

The teen says she "can't believe it" and is excited, but also a little afraid because she doesn't know exactly what to do. Until the surgery, she used crutches to hobble on the tops of her feet.

Her surgeon, Dr. Terry Amaral, says the next steps are building up Jingle's strength and stamina, and teaching her to walk.

Jingle lives in the Philippines. She came to New York in April to have the surgery.

Click here for photos of Jingle.

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