German Polar Bear Cub's Nickname Becomes Official

In the end, the official name for Nuremberg zoo's celebrity baby polar bear was no surprise at all.

The 6½-pound bundle of fluff that zookeepers dubbed "Flocke," or Flake — as in snowflake — will be called ... Flocke.

"The most important thing leading to this decision was that was the name that the zookeepers, based on their first impressions, gave her," Nuremberg Mayor Ulrich Maly told a news conference.

• Click here for more photos of the polar bear cub.

Some 50,000 name suggestions came in from around the world in e-mails, which also showed strong support for keeping the name Flocke, Maly said.

The 5-week-old cub attained star status after being taken from her mother, Vera, on Jan. 8 amid concerns that she could harm or even kill the newborn.

The Bavarian city's zoo made the decision to bottle-feed the cub and not return her to her mother after keepers spotted Vera carrying the cub around in her jaws and tossing it around her enclosure.

• Click here to visit's Natural Science Center.

On the polar bear's Internet home page, the zoo thanked all those who participated for "the many creative and original suggestions."

Little more than a year ago, another polar bear club in Germany — Knut — was hand-raised by his keepers in Berlin and became a celebrity after being rescued when his mother rejected him.

Mass-circulation daily Bild already has asked of the new cub: "Will she become Mrs. Knut?"

Zookeeper Harald Hager told reporters Flocke was doing well but was, well, a little boring.

"Outside of eating and sleeping, she's doing nothing at the moment."

• Click here for Flocke's section on the city of Nuremberg's Web site (in German; 'Bild' means 'image').