Four Jurors Chosen for R. Kelly Trial

A criminal justice student who said she knew one or two songs by R&B star R. Kelly and described his music as "old stuff" was added to the jury in the singer's child pornography trial Tuesday.

She joins three other jurors who were chosen on Monday. A total of 16 jurors, including four alternates, will be picked before opening statements begin in the trial of one of urban music's biggest stars, who is accused of videotaping himself having sex with a girl as young as 13.

Kelly, 41, has pleaded not guilty.

Among those dismissed on Tuesday were a businessman in his 40s who said he assumed Kelly was guilty, and a Russian language teacher who told the court she couldn't be impartial because has teenage daughter.

The student, in her 20s, was asked if she was familiar with Kelly's music, which includes sexually charged hits like "Bump N' Grind," "Ignition," and his current single, "Hair Braider."

"Yes, but it's old stuff. I might know one or two of his songs, but that's about it," she said.

Kelly appeared to wince slightly as he sat across a long conference table from the woman.

The woman told the Judge Vincent Gaughan she was worried about missing a final exam on Monday, but the judge said he would make provisions for that.

Also questioned were a doctor -- a cancer specialist -- who told the judge that serving on the jury would pose a hardship for the more than 50 patients he sees each week.

Another man, who works as a cook, had difficulty following the judge's questions and was excused after just five minutes.

The jurors seated Monday included the wife of a Baptist preacher from Kelly's hometown, a business executive and a telecommunications company employee.

When the trial gets under way, prosecutors will face a unique challenge: The alleged victim, now 23, says it wasn't her on the videotape. And Kelly's lawyers -- including prominent Chicago attorney Ed Genson -- haven't admitted it's Kelly in the video.

Prosecutors say the videotape was made between Jan. 1, 1998, and Nov. 1 2000, and that the alleged victim was born in September 1984. Kelly was indicted on pornography charges June 5, 2002, after the tape surfaced.

If jurors find the Grammy-winning artist guilty, he could go to prison for up to 15 years.

Kelly, who won a Grammy for the gospel-like "I Believe I Can Fly," is due to release a new album in July.