Former Teacher Admits to Sexually Abusing 100 Children

Carol Clarke, a woman described as a "predatory pedophile," has been given an indeterminate sentence for sexually abusing children, Sky news reported.

The former English teacher admitted to abusing about 100 children, saying she had committed attacks on both boys and girls of elementary school age.

The assaults were sometimes carried out after Clarke followed children into public bathrooms, Sky News reported.

A British Court announced that there was no evidence against Clarke apart from her own confession, Sky News reported.

A behavioral psychologist who examined the 46-year-old told the court that she had "most likely" offended in the way she described.

"This woman has, through most of her adult life, been confessing to various mental health professionals and to a senior minister in her church, that she was abusing children, that she had very unhealthy thoughts towards children, that she hated children," said Sky News correspondent Gerard Tubb.

"On one occasion she was asked if she would prefer to have treatment or go to the police."

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