Foo Fighters Salutes 'UFO City' With Gig

About 500 people were treated to an exclusive album-release Foo Fighters (search) concert in a town that likes odd events.

Lead singer Dave Grohl (search) said he is a huge fan of UFOs but had never been to Roswell, the site of a purported 1947 crash-landing of something many suspect to have been alien spacecraft. The city has a UFO festival each summer.

Grohl, a former drummer for Nirvana (search), organized the Foo Fighters after the death of Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain and named his record label Roswell Records (search).

"In Your Honor," released June 14 on Roswell/RCA Records, is the band's fifth album. The two-disc set features 10 hard-rock and 10 softer acoustic songs released on the band's 10-year anniversary.

Fans nationwide won tickets and transportation to Saturday's concert through an online trivia contest run by Rhapsody, a new Internet music service.

Foo Fighters is a term coined by Allied aircraft pilots during World War II. The term described mysterious glowing lights seen over German skies. Some people considered the Foo Fighters UFOs.

The band goes on tour July 1 starting in Europe.