Fast Facts: Same-Sex Marriage Debate

Developments on the issue of gay marriage Friday:

— A New York state judge barred New Paltz's (search) mayor from performing more same-sex marriages for a month, saying Jason West was ignoring his oath of office. West said he'd abide by the judge's decision while "considering legal options."

— Lawyers for San Francisco (search) answered efforts to invalidate thousands of same-sex marriages by telling the state Supreme Court that nothing in California's constitution requires local officials to obey laws they believe are unconstitutional.

— A coalition sued to block same-sex marriages in Oregon's Multnomah County (search), two days after officials sanctioned the practice and issued more than 700 licenses.

— The Wisconsin Assembly (search) approved a proposed amendment to the state constitution to prohibit same-sex marriages or civil unions. The proposal must pass both houses of the Legislature twice and be approved by voters before it can take effect.

— The Kansas House (search) backed a proposed amendment banning gay marriages and benefits that associate marriage to other relationships. The measure now goes to the Senate, which could put it before voters in November.

— The Idaho Senate (search) failed to bring a proposed amendment to ban gay marriages out of committee, likely ending its chances of going to voters this November. A state law banning gay marriage passed in 1996.

— Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox (search) sent a letter to the Wayne County clerk saying state law prohibits marriage licenses being issued to same-sex couples. Earlier this week, a half dozen same-sex couples were refused marriage licenses there.

— About 50 gay couples, some singing wedding songs and carrying bouquets, traveled in a caravan from town to town around New York's Long Island on Friday in a futile search for any official willing to issue them marriage licenses.

— A lesbian couple asked West Virginia's Supreme Court to force the Kanawha County (search) Clerk's Office to start issuing same-sex marriage licenses.