Fast Facts: Major Abortion Rulings

Some of the Supreme Court's major decisions on abortion:

— 1973: The court for the first time legalized abortion, based on a woman's constitutional right to privacy, in Roe v. Wade.

— 1976: The court said states cannot give a husband veto power when his pregnant wife decides to end her pregnancy.

— 1986: The court struck down regulations that would have required doctors to inform women seeking abortions about potential risks and about available medical assistance benefits.

— 1989: The court provided states with new authority to limit a woman's right to abortion, but stopped short of reversing its 1973 decision legalizing abortion.

— 1990: The court said a state may require notice to both parents of an unmarried girl under 18 who is dependent on at least one of the parents, as long as the law lets the girl avoid telling her parents by getting a judge's permission for an abortion.

— 1992: The court upheld the core of its Roe v. Wade decision and banned states from outlawing most abortions while allowing states to impose hurdles for women seeking to end their pregnancies.

— 2000: The court struck down Nebraska's law involving a type of late-term abortion that critics call "partial-birth" abortion, because the law imposed an "undue burden" on a woman's right to the procedure.