Ex-'Oprah' Guest Sentenced to Fla. Jail

A woman who described her life as a pathological liar on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" (search) has been sentenced to four months in jail for scamming her mother-in-law.

Lisa Ann Gentry (search), 34, admitted charging $960 on her mother-in-law's credit card in one day. She was sentenced Wednesday for felony credit card fraud.

Now in therapy, Gentry apologized to the judge and said she wanted to make amends. Defense attorney Isadore Hyde said he and Gentry's husband had expected probation and were "blown away" by the sentence.

The Department of Children & Families is investigating Gentry's televised statement March 1 that she lied about her sick 2-month-old daughter and allowed doctors to perform an unnecessary spinal tap.

"That certainly borders on child abuse," said Circuit Judge R. Michael Hutcheson.

He acknowledged the presence of camera crews from Winfrey's production company and television stations at the hearing. "All I can say is it must be a slow news day," he said.

A spokeswoman for Oprah's show said producers are planning a follow-up show.