DNA Could Land Dog Owners in Deep Doo-Doo

An Israeli city is hoping to combat dog poo — along with pet owners who leave it littering footpaths — with the help of DNA.

Residents of the city of Petah Tikva, a suburb of Tel Aviv, have been asked to take their pooch to their local vet, where a DNA sample can be collected.

The city hopes to build a database so feces can be matched to registered dogs and their masters.

Owners who scoop up their dog's poo and put it in specially marked bins on Petah Tikva's streets will be eligible for rewards — such as pet food coupons and dog toys.

But owners who leave their pet's droppings on footpaths could face a fine.

If the voluntary program takes off, the city will consider making it mandatory for owners to provide DNA samples from their dogs.

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