Daylight Savings '05 Pt. 2: Fall Back

Times have changed and people who did the same to all their clocks before bedtime last night won't have any problem waking up to standard time this morning.

And except for people who work the overnight shift, that could mean an extra hour of sleep.

The time change happens twice a year -- Spring Forward, Fall Back -- but some people will inevitably be showing up early for church or Sunday dinner. It also means it's going to be getting dark earlier.

Starting in 2007, daylight time will be extended by an extra four weeks. It will run from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.

And while some people would like to see daylight time made permanent, not everybody likes the idea. Arizona, Hawaii and parts of Indiana don't observe daylight time at all.

At any rate, you'll probably need to set your clocks back an hour if you haven't already.