Dad Who Burned Kids in Dryer: Thought They Could Have a Good Time Without Money

A Hutchinson man is on trial this week on charges he put his girlfriend's 2-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son in a hot clothes dryer.

In a videotaped interview with detectives shown in court Wednesday, Aron Pritchard said he put the children in the dryer to show them they could have a good time without much money. An hour later, the dryer had become hot and the boy had second-degree burns.

Pritchard told the detective that he didn't mean for the boy to get hurt.

Jurors also heard from a pediatrician who testified that the burns, combined with prior injuries including a twice-broken clavicle, could indicate an abusive environment.

Pritchard is charged with aggravated child endangerment and child abuse in the Nov. 28, 2006, incident.