Court Nom Roberts Has Net Worth of $5.3M

John Roberts (search) is a multimillion-dollar man, with a fancy golf club membership and some hefty investments, according to a financial statement filed with the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The 83-page document released Tuesday shows Roberts' home in the fashionable Washington suburb of Chevy Chase, Md., is worth $1.3 million. His investment portfolio includes $291,200 in XM Satellite Radio (search), $264,000 in Dell computers and $106,553 in Texas Instruments (search).

His net worth is $5.3 million despite the big pay cut he took in 2003 when he left the Washington law firm of Hogan & Hartson, where he was a partner earning in excess of $1 million a year, for a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and a salary of $171,800.

Other sources of income this year include $25,000 to teach a seminar on Supreme Court litigation at Georgetown University and $4,500 to teach a course on international trade at the University College London.

He's been a member of the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Virginia since 1992, The Lawyers Club of Washington since 1996 and The Metropolitan Club since 1995. Roberts' wife, Jane S. Roberts, also a lawyer, owns a one-eighth share of a family cottage in Ireland. Her portion is worth $10,000.

Roberts listed a home mortgage of $790,000, at a 30-year fixed rate of 5.625 percent.