Cops Fired for Allegedly Holding Country Singer at Gunpoint Over Foosball Game

Two city police officers accused of holding country music singer Steve Holy and a friend at gunpoint during a home game of foosball have been fired.

Officers Randy Anderson, 25, and Paul Loughridge, 48, each face a misdemeanor charge of deadly conduct in connection with the Dec. 27 allegation. If convicted, they could face a year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000.

"Their behavior that night is disturbing and not consistent with how we expect our Dallas police officers to perform," said Police Chief David Kunkle, who fired the men Friday.

Holy and his friend said they met the two officers at a bar, then went to Holy's house to play foosball in his garage.

According to police reports, Anderson began questioning the identity of Holy, whose songs include "Brand New Girlfriend."

Holy and his friend told police that Anderson and Loughridge pointed their guns at them and told them to get on the ground. Before the officers left, the report says, Anderson told Holy that he'd kill him if he said anything about the incident.

Holy declined to comment on the firings. "I have a lot to say when it's time to say it," he said.

However, his lawyer, Toby Shook, said the firings were "a no-brainer on Chief Kunkle's part."

"It's clear that everyone who has looked at the facts of the case have found these two officers aren't credible," Shook said. "They're the ones that got fired. They're the ones that fled the scene that night; the victims called 911 right away."

Loughridge questioned the weight given the 911 call. "After listening to the 911 tapes, the level of credibility given these two gentlemen is astounding, and in fact, it's actually scary," he said.

Anderson had no comment except that he said he agreed with Loughridge.

On the 911 recording, the operator sounded frustrated by an inability to get information from Holy, who told her several times that he's a recording artist.

When she tried to ask Holy if the two officers left together, he answered: "He put a gun to our heads."

"OK, you told me that at least five or six times," she said. "I have that. I understand that."

Shook has acknowledged that his client had been drinking, but said the confusion heard on the 911 call came from the shock of the experience.