Clintons Tour Israel, Share Condolences With Jordan

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton says she supports the separation barrier Israel is building along the edges of the West Bank.

The New York Democrat toured a section of the controversial structure, which is being built around Jerusalem. She says the barrier isn't against the Palestinian people, but "against the terrorists."

She also called on Palestinians to change their attitudes about terrorism, and help prevent it.

The senator and her husband, former President Clinton, are on a three-day trip to Israel.

The former president spoke to reporters about recent comments made by Iran's president denouncing Israel. He said the Iranian leader needs to reconsider those remarks -- and called on nations of the world to condemn them.

While traveling in Israel, the two detoured by helicopter to neighboring Amman, Jordan, to express their condolences to King Hussein of Jordan for the bombing of three hotels that left 57 people dead. The former president and senator toured the ballroom at the Radisson Hotel that was hosting a wedding party when a homicide bomber detonated himself.

President Clinton offered his support to "defeat this kind of destructive terror that murdered children and other innocents."