And now some fresh pickings from the wartime grapevine.
Jerry Hood is a former member of the Democratic National Committee and head of the Teamsters Union in the state of Alaska. But Hood, a lifelong democrat, was disgusted by the way democrats handled the issue of drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. So he left the Democratic Party and became a republican. The Teamsters, especially in Alaska, supported drilling in ANWR because of the jobs it would create. One Teamster official told FOX that Hood decided to switch because he thought the democrats were catering too much to the environmental movement without merit.
And remember that alleged vandalism by departing Clinton staffers just prior to George W. Bush's inauguration? Now The Washington Times reports the General Accounting Office says the incident happened, and caused $14,000 dollars in damages. The preliminary report finds two historic doorknobs were stolen, obscene words were scrawled on walls, and dozens of computer keyboards had to be replaced because the letter "W" had been removed. But one former Clinton official tells the paper the investigation cost $200,000 dollars, and questioned whether the probe was worth the money. President Bush had said all along there was no sense in pursuing the matter.
Popular retailer Abercrombie & Fitch is pulling a line of t-shirts after receiving hundreds of complaints from Asian-Americans. The t-shirts cost about $25 and feature Asian characters with slanted eyes and cone-shaped hats. One design depicted two men and the slogan, "Wong Brothers Laundry Service — Two Wongs Can Make it White." Another depicted a Buddha with the slogan, "Abercrombie & Fitch Buddha Bash — get your Buddha on the floor." A company spokesman says the company is "very, very, very sorry" and had no intention of offending anyone. He says the designs were intended to inject a little humor into fashion. But one protester who stood outside a San Francisco store says the treatment is unacceptable. She and other demonstrators are calling for a public apology in four major newspapers, increased philanthropy and investment in the Asian community.