Cleveland School Reopens After Gunman Wounded 4

Students and faculty were greeted with supportive cheers and applause Tuesday morning as they returned to an Ohio high school which had been closed since a classmate shot four people then killed himself last week.

Outside the entrance of SuccessTech Academy, community leaders and civic organizations formed a human pathway as students and teachers entered the school. Inside, additional security measures including armed security guards and a new metal detector were in effect.

The student gunman, Asa Coon, opened fire last Wednesday. The shooting victims — two students and two teachers — survived.

School officials have repeatedly said they were trying to determine how Coon entered the building and said tapes from 26 cameras were checked to determine what happened.

School officials said last week the 50,000-student district, with 110 buildings, would install metal detectors in each school and make sure a guard is on duty in every building.

Parents and students said they felt safe as classes resumed Tuesday.

John Thrasher, a 16-year-old junior, said he felt calm as he approached the school.

"I think it's going to be much safer than the last time," he said. "We didn't have metal detectors. Now we have that. I'm going to be more comfortable."