Cheney to Lead U.S. Delegation to Fahd Memorial

Vice President Dick Cheney (search) will lead the American delegation to Saudi Arabia to pay respects after the death of King Fahd (search) and the accession of King Abdullah.

President Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush (search), also will be in the delegation, along with Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, former Secretary of State Colin Powell (search), and James Oberwetter, the U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

Fahd was buried in an unmarked desert grave Tuesday in accordance with the kingdom's austere version of Islam.

On Wednesday, Abdullah will have a traditional investiture ceremony.

Heads of state and delegations from Western nations were expected to attend Wednesday's events.

State Department spokesman Tom Casey, said the department's "main focus is on control fo the throne."

Asked whether it would be an occasion to discuss terrorism and other issues, Casey said, "This is not something that I'm aware of that is anything beyond" the memorial and condolences.