
Former presidential candidate Howard Dean (search), once the early front-runner for the Democratic nomination whose candidacy stumbled, has decided to seek the party's chairmanship.

"The Democratic Party needs a vibrant, forward-thinking, long-term presence in every single state," Dean wrote in a letter to members of the Democratic National Committee. "We must be willing to contest every race at every level. We can only win when we show up."

Dean's entry into the race appears to pre-empt another bid for the presidency in 2008.

Chairman Dean: Hot on Howard, or Dem disaster?

A sample of your responses:

Sue W.
Houston, TX

I can't think of anything better for the Republican party then to have Howard Dean as the head of the DNC. He will pull the party so far to the left that the red states will continue to grow.

Howard Dean as head of the Democratic Party would be the best thing that could happen for the Republicans. He is nothing but a loud mouth who is more concerned with his self image than the party.
Mike L.
Suwanee, GA

Dr. Dean will in charge of the Democratic National Comm. will be a Win for the Republicans. This is a far left attempt to take over the Democratic party.
Wayne B.
Fort Wayne, IN

Dean might be good for the Conservatives if chairman... but I think it's more interesting to look for the behind-the-scenes leadership struggle... will the chair pick indicate that the Democrats will remain Clintonian, be a Kennedy party (woo woo)... or something new?
Mark M.
Bucks County, PA

As a Democrat, I definately would like Dean to be head of the DNC... The gap between right and moderates is huge, more than you realize, for example, I hate Republicans in the real sense of the word, and will no longer have them as friends or do business with them. You have not even seen the beginning of the problems that your right-wing arrogance has created for yourselves in the future...
In closing I would just like to say that I seldom watch Fox News, and I tell everyone I know that you suck and not to watch your slanted, biased, unobjective attempt at journalism.
David L.
Astral Universe

Go ahead, Dems, put Dean in charge. He will simply recharge the real "values" issues of middle America.
Ken F.
Clare, MI

As a staunch Republican, I love Howard Dean.
Charlotte G.
Walhalla, ND

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