Cash Hospitalized

Johnny Cash's (search) plans to attend the MTV Video Music Awards (search) were scuttled by his hospitalization for an unspecified stomach ailment. He was in stable condition Thursday.

"He's being held for observation and treatment. We expect to release him within a few days," said Baptist Hospital spokeswoman Jennifer Jackson. She said Cash had been admitted Monday.

Cash's manager, Lou Robin (search), said the illness was an "isolated incident." He said the country singer planned to go to Los Angeles next week to record a new album.

The 71-year-old Cash, whose hits include "I Walk the Line" (search) and "A Boy Named Sue," suffers from autonomic neuropathy, a disease of the nervous system that makes him susceptible to pneumonia. He's been in the hospital several times in recent years.

His wife, June Carter Cash (search), died in May of complications from heart surgery.

Cash had planned to make the trip to New York for the MTV awards if his health allowed, Robin said.

Cash's video, "Hurt," a song about drug addiction written by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, received six nominations.

Robin said Cash would watch the awards show on television.