Bush Observes Rwanda Genocide Anniversary

President Bush (search) urged the international community on Wednesday to bring to justice those responsible for the genocide that swept the African nation of Rwanda 10 years ago.

On the anniversary of the massacre, the president called the slaughter of more than 500,000 people "one of the most horrific episodes of the 20th century." Hutu extremists waged the 100-day campaign of killing against Tutsis and politically moderate Hutus.

Thousands of displaced Rwandans should be repatriated and the United States will continue to help Rwanda (search) in unifying families, providing scholarships, combating HIV/AIDS and promoting the rule of law, Bush said in a statement.

Rwandan President Paul Kagame (search) said world powers refused to do anything to stop the killing. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and President Clinton have apologized for failing to intervene.