Bob Kerrey Weighs Run for NYC Mayor

Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (search) is considering entering the city's mayoral race, saying Mayor Michael Bloomberg (search) has not fought Republican lawmakers who have hurt the city with tax cuts and reductions in national security funding.

"I am angry about the way New York City is being treated by Washington D.C.," Kerrey told The New York Times in Sunday editions. "Who is fighting these guys? What would (Rudy) Giuliani and (Ed) Koch be doing now? They'd be raising hell!"

The 1992 Democratic presidential candidate, a former Nebraska senator and governor, said he would decide within a few days whether he will join the crowded Democratic field. He is now president of New School University (search).

One of Kerrey's main criticisms is that Bloomberg is focusing too much on building a stadium on the West Side of Manhattan that has been the centerpiece of the mayor's campaign to attract the 2012 Olympics.

Aides to Bloomberg said they were surprised by Kerrey's comments since he accepted an offer to head "Democrats for Bloomberg." Kerrey said he began having second thoughts after accepting the offer.