Blood-Soaked Sopranos Costume Draws Nearly $44,000 at Charity Auction

One used, black and beige short-sleeve polo shirt, a tank top and black pants: $43,750.
Inflation run amok? Nope — just the premium you pay for the blood of Tony-Soprano.

Twenty-five outfits worn by James Gandolfini's alter ego raised $187,750 at auction Wednesday for a charity that aids wounded soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gandolfini attended part of the Christie's auction with a soldier from the nonprofit Wounded Warrior Project.

The highest bid was for the faux-bloodstained suit of clothes, including the shirt, tank top and pants the actor wore in a scene when Tony is shot by a demented Uncle Junior.

The next highest bid was $21,250 for a four-piece costume that included a blue, red and yellow striped robe and boxer shorts that Tony wore in numerous episodes of the smash HBO series.

Other top-selling outfits included a tan cotton bathrobe with lavender trim and 'S' insignia on the breast pocket that was featured in the pilot when Tony fetched the morning paper and fed the ducks in his pool. It fetched $13,750.

All of the outfits were authenticated by Gandolfini and many had the original production tags attached.