Bio: Condoleezza Rice

Key details about National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice:

NAME: Condoleezza Rice.

AGE-BIRTH DATE: 50; Nov. 14, 1954.

BIRTHPLACE: Birmingham, Ala.

EDUCATION: Bachelor of arts, political science, University of Denver, 1974; master of arts, University of Notre Dame, 1975; Ph.D., Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, 1981.

EXPERIENCE: National security adviser, National Security Council, 2001-present; Hoover Senior Fellow and professor of political science, Stanford University, 1981-1999; provost, Stanford University, 1993-99; director-senior director, Soviet and East European Affairs, National Security Council, special assistant to the president for national security affairs, 1989-1991; special assistant to the director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1986.

BOOKS: Co-author, "Germany Unified and Europe Transformed," 1995; co-author, "The Gorbachev Era," 1986; author, "Uncertain Allegiance — The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army," 1984.

FAMILY: Single.

QUOTE: "Knowing what we know about the difficulties of our own history, knowing the history of Alabama and Mississippi and Tennessee, we should be humble in singing freedom's praise, but our voice should never waiver in speaking out on the side of those who seek freedom." — Commencement Speech at Vanderbilt University, May 13, 2004.