Bar Bombed in Bali Reopens

Paddy's Bar (search), one of the nightspots attacked nearly 10 months ago by suicide bombers on Indonesia's Bali island, reopened over the weekend, staffed by several waiters who were working on the night of the attack.

Hundreds of mostly Australian tourists and expatriates on Saturday night packed the bar, which was reopened in a building 100 yards up the street from its original site.

"Tell the terrorists we are back," shouted one Australian who identified himself only as Mike.

On Oct. 12, 2002, an Islamic militant detonated a bomb concealed in a vest inside the bar, killing himself and nine other people.

Minutes later, a much larger car bomb exploded outside the nearby Sari Club (search), killing 193 more people. Most of the dead were foreign tourists. The Sari Club is still closed, with no word on whether it will reopen.

Several of the three dozen Islamic militants arrested for the attack have said they carried out the blasts because they were disgusted at the "sinful" behavior of the foreign tourists who frequented the strip of bars.

The attack has been blamed on Jemaah Islamiyah (search), an Al Qaeda-linked group that allegedly wants to set up an Islamic state in Southeast Asia.