Armstrong Ponders Future With Sheryl Crow

Lance Armstrong (search) is thinking about more than just winning his seventh straight Tour de France (search) title. The cyclist also is considering his future with Sheryl Crow (search).

Armstrong, who overcame testicular cancer to win his first Tour in 1999, said he will retire after this year's race, ending one of the greatest careers in cycling.

Next up, a life with Crow and more kids?

"Yeah. Sheryl and I are very happy. To me, when you have a relationship, you're happy and in love, children are a natural part of the equation," Armstrong told The Associated Press recently. "I'm traditional in that sense.

"I had a marriage that didn't work, but I still believe absolutely in the institution of marriage. I think it's good," said the 33-year-old Armstrong, who has three children from his first marriage.

Armstrong began dating Crow more than a year ago, and he soon introduced the singer to the rigors of the cycling world. Looking relaxed and healthy, Armstrong spoke proudly about how he and Crow, 43, have made their relationship work.

She burst into the room while he spoke, dressed in black cycling gear, and demanded to borrow some of his equipment. He duly obliged.

"We're two people with separate busy lives and we've defied the odds," Armstrong said. "We're still as happy as we were the first day. I mean, look at her, she comes to places like this and rides in the car and then goes out for a ride. She's a great lady to do that.

"The tables will be turned in six months, when I'll be on a tour bus supporting her."