AP: Video Shows Iraqi Executions

An insurgent video surfaced Thursday showing gunmen shooting dead four blindfolded men who identified themselves as Iraqi policemen.

The footage, which was obtained by Associated Press Television News (search), showed the four young men sitting cross-legged on the floor of a room. The men state their names and identify themselves as policemen from a special task force.

A date stamp on the video indicated it was recorded on Feb. 3.

It was unclear where the policemen had been captured.

Insurgents ambushed a police convoy on Feb. 3 in the western Baghdad suburb of Abu Ghraib (search), killing one policeman and kidnapping a number of others.

The men in the footage are then seen outside in what appears to be a remote desert area. The men knelt down with their hands tied behind their backs and with blindfolds over their eyes.

Several gunmen armed with assault rifles and standing just steps away from the captives fire repeatedly at the men one by one, shooting them in the back of their heads.