
Trail of bomb that blew up Pan Am Flight 103 on Dec. 21, 1988, according to prosecutors:

— Luqa Airport, Malta, 9:15 a.m.: Air Malta Flight KM180 takes off for Frankfurt, Germany. Suitcase holding bomb planted inside cargo hold with stolen tags clearing it through to United States via Frankfurt and London.

— Frankfurt International Airport, afternoon: Suitcase transferred to Pan Am Flight 103A, departing for London.

— Heathrow Airport, London, 6:25 p.m.: Flight 103 takes off en route to New York and Detroit with 259 passengers and crew. Suitcase in aluminum cargo container AVE-4041 in forward hold, 25 inches from fuselage wall.

— 31,000 feet over Lockerbie, Scotland, 7:02:50 p.m.: Timer detonates bomb, blowing hole about size of dinner plate in belly of Boeing 747. Aircraft rips apart, plunges six miles to earth, killing everyone aboard and 11 people on ground.