Al Qaeda Releases Video of an Alleged Attack on U.S. Forces in Afghanistan

Al Qaeda released a video Sunday showing what it said was militants launching an attack against a U.S. military camp in Afghanistan.

The authenticity of the video could not be immediately verified, but the tape appeared on a Web site commonly used by Islamist militants and carried the logo of Al Qaeda's As-Sahab media production wing.

Al Qaeda said the tape, which was about four minutes long, was part of a series of videos that the terror network has released to show that its insurgents are continuing to fight U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

The video clip was titled "Holocaust of the Americans in the land of Khorasan, the Islamic emirate." Khorasan, a name from the Persian empire, is the militant word for Afghanistan.

The video carried a subtitle that read "A heroic operation against an American center in Kunar." It showed four bearded young fighters wearing traditional Afghani clothing and ammunition vests, carrying machine guns as they walked down a single-track trail road hugging the mountainside.

The video also showed small arms fire breaking out after several blasts hit the camp. The video gave the date of the alleged attack, using the Islamic calendar, as late last year.

The fighters launched their attack from the mountain on what looked like a camp in a valley that Al Qaeda said in the tape was a U.S. camping site in Kunar.

Kunar, which is about a mile from the Pakistani border, is one of Afghanistan's remote forested regions and believed to be a hideout of Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden. The region is also known to be a volatile and lawless province.