150-Pound Cupcake Sets Guinness Record

A portly cupcake that weighs as much as a person has been certified as the world's largest.

The super-sized snack was unveiled Saturday at the Minneapolis Mall of America. It weighed in at nearly 151 pounds, including 15 pounds of fudge filling and 60 pounds of yellow icing. It was one foot tall and two feet wide.

Guinness World Records adjudicator Danny Girton Jr. was on hand to certify the record, calling the cupcake a "fun and creative achievement."

The dessert was made by cakes.com, which is run by DecoPac. The Minneapolis-based company calls itself the world's largest cake-decoration supplier and marketer.

"This is a thrill and an honor for cakes.com," company spokeswoman Jamie Miller said.

The company initially planned to cut up the record cupcake and distribute it to mall patrons. But because only the top layer had frosting, company officials realized most patrons would get only plain cake.

So cakes.com gave away 4,000 free cupcakes for the event, and arranged a more ignominious fate for the record-sized snack. Miller said it would be sent to a pig farm whose snouty residents specialize in the disposal of edible garbage.

"They're going to get one heck of a sugar rush, I'm sure," Miller said.