WATCH: WR Julio Jones reacts to news of contract extension

As if Atlanta Falcons fans were excited enough just hearing that their star wide receiver Julio Jones received a big-time contract extension, how about seeing him find out the news?

In a video first posted by the team's official Twitter page, you can see owner Arthur Blank approach Jones on the field before this past weekend's preseason game. The rest, well, we'll let that speak for itself.

Probably one of the cooler moments of the 2015 preseason , without question. Seeing players who deserve these big contracts finally get paid is a great thing. Unfortunately, most of the time, fans don't get to see what happens behind the scenes.

Congrats to Jones for the long-term deal, and it's safe to bet that he's ready for the 2015 season to officially begin.

(h/t @AtlantaFalcons)