Track Fight! Lolo Jones' Teammates Make For Awkward TV

Even though the women's 100 meter hurdles event is over, some animosity is lingering within Team USA between silver and bronze medalists, Dawn Harper and Kellie Wells, and the fourth-place finisher — and an athlete who's become a controversial face of the Olympic games — Lolo Jones.

After Harper, the gold medalist in Beijing, made comments directed at Jones to Sports Illustrated's Tim Layden that drew some controversy, she and Wells went on NBC Sports on Wednesday morning, where Michelle Beadle asked her about those comments. After the jump is video (and a transcript) of the interview. It was ... awkward.

Jones has heard criticism before, most notably from the New York Times, and Wednesday morning, in an interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, revealed how much that affected her state of mind.

I guess we'll find out how she feels about her own teammates taking her to task soon.

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