Sharks announce ownership changes

The San Jose Sharks announced Wednesday that majority owner Hasso Plattner has bought out shares from two additional club owners to take a bigger controlling stake in the franchise.

"While this change does affect the individual structure of our ownership group, it does not change the organization's primary goal which is to build a team that is capable of winning a Stanley Cup each and every season," said Plattner. "The team's day-to-day operations will not be affected. All current Executive Team members will remain in place."

Plattner acquired shares from Sharks Sports & Entertainment principals Kevin Compton and Stratton Sclavos -- both of whom have been part-owners of the team along with Plattner since acquiring control in 2002.

"Kevin and Stratton have been tremendous partners to work with over the last decade," added Plattner. "Both have played vital and strategic roles moving our organization to the top tier of professional sports franchises. We want to thank them for everything they have done to help make the Sharks what they are today."

Plattner will now serve as the Sharks' representative for the National Hockey League's Board of Governors.

In addition, the current hockey operations staff will remain unchanged. Sharks executive vice president and general manager Doug Wilson and executive vice president and general counsel John Tortora will remain alternate governors. Malcolm Bordelon stays on handling all business operations.