Ronda Rousey: If 'Road House' remake sucks, everyone will hate me

So, UFC champion Ronda Rousey is set to star in a remake of the classic Patrick Swayze flick, "Road House." That has to be pretty exciting for the bantamweight.

Turns out, it's also pretty nerve-wracking. Both Swayze and the film are beloved, and Rousey knows full well that many fans would rather the movie studios not even try to tamper with perfection just to produce a reboot.

For those nervous that Hollywood will wreck a classic, you can at least rest assured that Rousey herself shares your concern. It probably isn't surprising that the Rowdy One is also a mega "Road House" fan.

"I'm obsessed with 'Road House,'" she recently told Entertainment Tonight.

"I see why people would be hesitant to see a remake, because it is such a classic."

More than anything, Rousey is desperate not to mess up Swayze and the original film's legacy. If the remake were to be poorly done, the brunt of the criticism would no-doubt be placed on the acting neophyte.

"In my own way, I'm nervous," she admitted.

"The worst thing that's going to happen is, is that I'll really suck and just disgrace the name of Swayze and 'Road House,' and everyone will hate me."

Well, at least Rousey is aware of the stakes. That can't be an easy spot to be.

We're rooting for the fighter to represent herself and her sport well, as she always has thus far. Originals can never be replaced, but it is possible to pay respectful homage to them.

It sounds as though that's exactly what Ronda wants to do, here. Good luck, champ!